A mezzo in a class by herself
(New York Times)

PBS Documentary about Virtual Choir to celebrate the 500th anniversary of St. Teresa Avila’s birth

March 30, 2015|News
Virtual Harmony is a documentary account about the music and production of a virtual choir as part of the August 2014 celebrations presented by the Carmelite Family of the Western US to mark the 500th anniversary of St. Teresa's birth. Dolora Zajick and Sister Claire conceived the opportunity to unite the Carmelite community across the globe for the first time both visually and musically through the performance of a piece of music written by Sister Claire for the event. The documentary also gives a glimpse of Dolora's debut composition Roads to Zion, first performed during the St. Teresa celebrations. You can also watch the documentary on the KNPB website Virtual Harmony is written and produced by KNPB, the PBS member station in Reno. KNPB serves a 75,000 square mile area that includes central and northern Nevada and northeastern California. Virtual choir

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